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Schwarzbeck LISN overview

LISN 线性阻抗稳定网络 / AMN 人工电源网络为被测设备 (EUT) 提供必要的电源电压(交流或直流)和电流。
耦合 EUT 产生的干扰电压并将其提供给接收器。
为被测设备 (EUT) 提供明确定义的射频阻抗,                                        
防止来自电源的不必要的干扰(过滤器),保护电源免受 EUT 产生    的有害干扰电压的影响。

图 1:测量设置传导干扰
图 2 显示了具有单独接地的两线系统的电压关系。V-LISN 分别测量两条线路 L1 和地面或 L2 和地面之间的不对称干扰电压。
V-LISN 也称为 V-ANM(人工电源网络)。 V-LISN 是迄今为止最常用的 LISN。
有两种阻抗不同的 V-LISN。具有 5μH 电感的 V-LISN(CISPR 16-1-2、CISPR 25、ISO 7637、DO160)通常用于测量连接到带有 DC 或 400 Hz 车载电源的车辆、船只和飞机的设备。根据 CISPR 16-1-2、MIL STD 461 和 ANSI C63.4,另一种类型为50 µH 的 V-LISN 旨在在 50 Hz 或 60 Hz 的电源频率下运行。
 T-ISN(图 2 右侧)测量非对称干扰电压(共模电压)并将其提供给 EMI 接收器。 T-ISN 通常用于测量连接到对称线路的电信和数据传输设备,例如:双绞线...


V-LISN CISPR 16-1-2 CISPR 25 (汽车电子) MIL 461 MIL 462 Special - LISN

Schwarzbeck LISN overview
Type Topology Impedance Current max. Paths Options
CISPR 16-1-2 
NSLK 8117 V-LISN (50 µH + 5 Ω) || 50 Ω 2 x 10 A 2  
NSLK 8127 V-LISN (50 µH + 5 Ω) || 50 Ω 2 x 16 A 2 RC, PLC
NSLK 8126 V-LISN (50 µH + 5 Ω) || 50 Ω 2 x 16 A Schuko 4 RC
4 x 16 A CEKON
NSLK 8128 V-LISN (50 µH + 5 Ω) || 50 Ω 2 x 16 A Schuko and 4 RC
4 x 32 A CEKON
NSLK 8163 V-LISN (50 µH + 5 Ω) || 50 Ω 4 x 64 A CEKON 4 RC
NNLK 8121 V-LISN (50 µH + 5 Ω) || 50 Ω 4 x 50 (100) A  4 RC, Hochstrom, 400/700V, Lüfter
NNLK 8122 V-LISN (50 µH + 5 Ω) || 50 Ω 2 x 50 A  2  
NNLK 8129 V-LISN 50 µH || 50 Ω 4 x 200 (300) A  4 RC, 400/700 V, Lüfter
NNLK 8129-2 HV V-LISN 50 µH || 50 Ω 2 x 200 (300) A 2 RC,TC
NNLK 8130 V-LISN 50 µH || 50 Ω 4 x 400 (500) A  4 RC
NNLK 8140 V-LISN 50 µH || 50 Ω 1 x 800 (1000) A single  
NNHV 8123 V-LISN 5µH || 50 Ω 70 (100) A single  
NNHV 8123-200 V-LISN 5µH || 50 Ω 200 A single  
NNHV 8123-400 V-LISN 5µH || 50 Ω 400 A single  
NNBM 8123-400R V-LISN (5µH + 1 Ω) || 50 Ω 400 A single  
NNBM 8124 V-LISN (5µH + 1 Ω) || 50 Ω 70 (100) A single N-connector
NNBM 8124-200 V-LISN (5µH + 1 Ω) || 50 Ω 200 A single N-connector
NNBM 8124-400 V-LISN (5µH + 1 Ω) || 50 Ω 400 A single N-connector
NNBM 8124-800 V-LISN (5µH + 1 Ω) || 50 Ω 800 A single N-connector
NNBM 8126-A 890 V-LISN 5 µH || 50 Ω 70 (100) A single DO-160
NNBM DO160-1500 V-LISN 5 µH || 50 Ω 200 (280) A single  
BAN 8508     8 A (DC) single  
BAN 8530     30 A (DC) single  
NNBL 8225 V-LISN (50 µH + 5 Ω) || 50 Ω 20 A single  
NNBL 8226 V-LISN (50 µH + 5 Ω) || 50 Ω 70 (100) A single  
NNBL 8226-HV V-LISN (50 µH + 5 Ω) || 50 Ω 70 (100) A single  
NNBL 8226-2 V-LISN (50 µH + 5 Ω) || 50 Ω 70 (100) A 2  
NNBL 8229-HV V-LISN (50 µH + 5 Ω) || 50 Ω 200 A single  
NNBL 8230 V-LISN (50 µH + 5 Ω) || 50 Ω 300 A single  
NNBL 8240 V-LISN (50 µH + 5 Ω) || 50 Ω 800 (1000) A single  
NTFM 8131 ISN 150 Ω ± 10% 3 A (AC)  2  
NTFM 8158 ISN 150 Ω ± 20 % 600 mA DC (pair)  2  
CAT5 8158 ISN 150 Ω± 20 % 600 mA DC (pair)  2  
CAT3 8158 ISN 150 Ω± 20 % 600 mA DC (pair)  2  
ISN S8 ISN 150 Ω ±20 % 1 A (DC)  8  
150 Ω+ 60 Ω/-45 Ω
ISN S1 ISN 150 Ω±20 Ω 1 A (DC) single  
150 Ω + 60 Ω /-45 Ω
ISN T4A ISN 150Ω ± 20Ω
150Ω ±40Ω
(30 MHz~80 MHz)
ISN T8 ISN 150kHz~30MHz 600 mA (line), 1200 mA (pair) 1-4  
ISN T8-Cat6 ISN 150kHz~80MHz 600 mA (line), 1200 mA (pair) 1-4  
Special - LISN
Pilot ISN   150 Ω±20 Ω 1.4 A DC 2  
ECSS LISN1   (1.5 µH) || 50 Ω 10A 2  
ECSS LISN 2   (2 µH) || 50 Ω 10A 2  
ECSS LISN 2 - 75A   (2 µH) || 50 Ω 75 A 2  
ECSS LISN 3   (0.7 µH) || 50 Ω 10:00 AM 2  
NPLC 8500 V-LISN 1 Ω 16 A single  
PVDC 8300 PV-LISN Universal 150 Ω common 50 A (100 A with opt. fans)  2 Fans
150 Ω differential
PVDC 8301 PV-LISN Universal 150 Ω common 200 A  2  
150 Ω differential
TEMP 8400 Tempest-V-LISN 1.4 kΩ 16 A  2 TEMP 8401